Another school year is upon us, and you know what that means, another season of Bellevue College sports!
This fall is destined to bring excitement to bothe the athletes and students alike. The lineup for fall is as follows : Men’s and Women’s soccer, Women’s volleyball and golf.
The Men’s soccer team has started the season out running with a current record of 1-0-1. Hopefully they keep the run alive.
On the hand, the women’s team has started out a little shaky with a record of 0-2. But not to worry the season has just begun; they have plenty of games to turn it around and make it a winning season!
The girls volleyball team is coming off a disappointing lost in the NWAACC Tournament last season. That however is in the past now and they are in top gear ready to prove to themselves and to the league that they are prime contender to win it all this year.
Rounding out the fall sports is golf. Last season the men took it all! Being the champions is a challenge going into a new season, beacuse your oppenients are alawys looking to dethrone you . Although every opponent will be gunning to take them down, you better believe the Men’s Golf team is up for the challenge. On the golfer’s minds is the repeat, but they need to stay focused and stick to the task at hand in order to get back to the mountain top.
Hope all the athletes stay healthy and have amazing seasons. It’s wishful thinking, but maybe all the teams can bring home a their championship trophy. Who knows maybe it will happen. Best of luck to all our students athletes here at Bellevue College. All students make sure you get out and support your Bulldog Athletes!
*Sporting events are free for all Bellevue College students*