The Science and technology building,
commonly known as the S building,
recently received a Leadership in Energy
and Environmental Design Gold rating
from the U.S. Green
Building Council.
The S building
has been awarded the
Gold LEED rating
because of its many
e n v i r o nme n t a l l y
friendly attributes.
LEED is a green
building rating system
that has been in use
since 1993 and includes
over 14,000 projects
in the U.S. and thirty
other countries.
The S building
is three stories
and equipped with
state-of-the-art and
e n v i r o nme n t a l l y
friendly classrooms,
bathrooms, and
It contains
five high-tech classrooms
specifically devoted to life sciences and
chemistry classes in addition to its 16
advanced laboratories with both DNA
sequencer and scanning-electronicmicroscope
The DNA sequence lab is currently
being used for students to analyze the
genetic makeup of a specific bacterium that
has not yet been studied.
The building is largely made up of
windows that optimize the amount of
natural light used. Each classroom also has
a motion sensor that activates the lights
when the room is in use.
The restrooms, laboratories, and
showers all have low-flow fixtures that
use less water and allow water to drain
Passive solar building designs were
used to construct the roof, windows, and
walls of the building in order to reduce heat
Natural resources are conserved,
because the building’s electricity comes
from renewable sources.
The building itself was mainly
constructed out of natural or recycled
m a t e r i a l s .
The walls,
for example,
were made
f r o m
air is the main
source of
ventilation for
the building,
but it also has
a maximumvolume
c i r c u l a t i o n
system, which
is another of
many green
aspects the
b u i l d i n g
L o w –
e m i s s i o n
p a i n t ,
carpeting, and sealants were used
in the interior of the building to create a
healthier environment.
The use of cooling and appliance
refrigerants decreases or eliminates
harmful emissions that can cause damage
to the ozone layer.
In addition, other aspects of the
building encourage low- or no- emission
commuting: showers and changing rooms
are provided for bicyclists, as well as
preferred parking for people who drive
fuel-efficient cars and for people who
carpool or vanpool.
The S building also has a study center
where students can get extra help with their
math and science classes.
Students also have access to models,
microscopes, and computers.
The S building is considered a major
commodity at the college by students
and faculty, as there are 13 transferable
associate degrees specific to life sciences,
physical sciences, and engineering.
The science division offers 730
individual class sections and has an annual
enrollment of over 20,000 students.
The classrooms are much larger in
the S building compared to those in other
buildings on campus, and can therefore
accommodate the equally large number of
The building cost 34 million dollars
and was designed by The Miller Hull
Partnership. The general contractor was
M.A. Mortenson Company.
The S building is the eleventh
instructional building on Bellevue
College’s main campus.
The new building was completed in
March 2009, and an open house was held
on March 4 to celebrate its construction.