It’s early July in the upper 70s in Seattle. Boats are out on Lake Washington, tank tops, shorts and flip flops seem to be the clothing of choice for most Seattleites, and people are hitting up Yogurtland on Broadway.
Located by Seattle Central Community College and Cal Anderson Park, Yogurtland has only been in Seattle for a few months (but is a franchise with over 135 locations including the USA, Guam, Mexico, and Japan).
I decided to go to Yogurtland on a bus because I didn’t want to have to deal with the expensive and limited street parking. I knew Yogurtland was on Broadway, but Google maps directed me to Nagle Place. After being confused and slightly lost, I ran into a local.
He seemed pleased that I had asked him where to go and assumed the role of a walking advertisement as he guided me there. He insisted that it was the place to be. Upon entering, his claims seemed accurate, for a long line of people wrapped around the yogurt shop, almost going out the door.
Yogurtland is a self serve restaurant with dispensers against the wall. Above the dispenser is a title of the flavor along with a picture, description, and nutritional information. It also has large posters on the wall to persuade you that eating there is good for you because of its “friendly bacteria” and its “excellent source of calcium and protein.”
With about 15 mouthwatering flavors, it is hard to pick which one(s) to enjoy. Once you have selected your frozen yogurt, there is a wide variety of toppings, anything from fruit to mochi to candy.
Here’s my favorite part. Once you have put together your frozen yogurt creation, you are charged by the ounce. Each ounce is only thirty five cents. This way, you really do get what you paid for.
On my visit, I was adventurous and perhaps disgusting in some minds because I tried every flavor mixed together (in different parts of the cup of course) and topped it off with some heath bar crumbs and cookie dough. Looking back on it now, it doesn’t sound too appetizing, but I only paid $2.50 for it!
The cashier was extremely friendly, and once I had paid, she handed me a cute pink spoon that was smooth and flatter than most spoons.
Because I went on a busy day, once I went to one yogurt dispenser, I had to decide whether or not I wanted that flavor before moving on. Sample cups are available at the front counter if you ask one of the employees, but it was practically impossible to do so with the large crowd.
Generally, when I eat frozen yogurt, I expect it to taste more like ice cream than actual yogurt. The fruity flavors tasted more like regular yogurt, but the flavor that stood out the most to me was pistachio. It had such a distinct flavor, and I definitely had a mouthgasm.
Yogurtland is somewhere I will absolutely return to this summer for a delicious treat, without getting lost or spending too much money.