Do you feel nervous speaking in groups? Do you feel blank when called upon to answer a tough question? Do you think of the perfect thing to say after the moment has passed and regret missing the opportunity? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. A new community education course at Bellevue College taking place this summer aims to give students new opportunities to practice speaking up in uncomfortable, high-stakes situations and find their voice. The program is derived from a book called “Step Into Your Moxie,” which was named the best self-help or motivational book by the American Book Fest in 2019. This is the first time the course has been offered at Bellevue College, but the course has previously been taught in companies across the United States and Europe. The course is open to anyone, including BC students, faculty, non-BC students, and community members. Though the program does not offer credits that can be used towards a degree, program leader Sherry Johnson Metz says that “the skills taught in this course apply to any degree and major.” She adds, “Effective communication is the most requested topic in most companies and sought-after skill in most careers.”
The program is a series of four training workshops, as interactivity while having fun is at the core of learning. Rather than “’sit and get’ lecture-only classes, where participants passively listen while browsing their Twitter feed,” students will grow through “a mix of coaching, training, role play, and small and full group conversation,” according to the BC FYI. Through improv style activities, students will “students will strengthen their inner and outer voice so that they can speak up for themselves and the ideas and issues that matter most to them.”
The program consists of one 2-hour workshop each week, from 6:30-8:30 pm Pacific time, on Tuesdays, from July 9 to July 30, 2024. You must register by June 30 using the link to Bellevue College Continuing Education. Johnson Metz says, “To get the most out of this class, be ready to loosen up, have fun, and change how you think on your feet. There are NO grades and NO mistakes; no need to get anything ‘right’ or ‘perfect.’ All you need to do is bring your sense of play, collaborative energy, and unique style to share with others! You will discover your authentic presence to become a more confident, capable, and impactful speaker.”