Bellevue College’s Reading Lab and Writing Lab recently sent out an email stating that it is bringing back its services for students both in-person and online. It will now offer more writing tutors and appointments online, including during the weekends. The lab encourages students to use this support service, which is free to all BC students.
One-on-one drop-in reading tutoring hours for students are as follows: 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. on Mondays and 1:30–2:30 p.m. on Tuesdays in D202.
Please check the ASC workshop schedule website for more details on the workshops the lab will offer this quarter. Students can drop in during open hours or make an appointment to attend the workshops. Other ways to use the writing lab include scheduling a class visit, scheduling by emailing writinglab@bellevuecollege.edu and adding the Writing Lab module to your Canvas. For instructions on how to access writing lab tutors online, please refer to this link.