2022 has finally arrived! It’s the time when everyone leaves their lazy and procrastinating habits back in 2021 and we start a new chapter in our lives to help us stay productive. Being a college student can be hard, and lacking motivation can cause us to be doing things that aren’t really beneficial to us. This 2022, college students could try making some of these changes in their lives to help them benefit and exceed both in their academic and personal careers:
1. Eat more homemade meals.
As a college student, staying within your budget and eating healthy sounds hard. However, eating homemade meals can actually be a lot cheaper than going out to eat. You can save a lot of money just by eating homemade meals and actually end up eating a lot healthier. This new year, college students should try making a resolution to eat more homemade meals, as not only can learning to cook become a new hobby, but it can also save you a lot of money and be better for your health.
2. Prioritize school and get good grades.
This new year, students should try to put school on their list of things to succeed in. There are multiple ways to balance your schoolwork and your personal life, and this year everyone should try finding the balance between both to have a more productive and enjoyable day. Prioritizing school can be beneficial in many ways, as you will have better grades and feel more accomplished and productive throughout the day.
3. Prioritize your mental health.
Prioritizing both mental health and school can be hard, but finding the balance is always key to having a successful and happy day. In reality, when a person is having a bad day, they generally will not be in the mood to do quality work or productive things. As a human, having a rough time with your mental health can make you do things that aren’t as beneficial for you. So, this new year, students should try to put their mental health at the very top of their list and prioritize it a lot more.
4. Discover new hobbies.
Another resolution for 2022 that not only college students but everyone should try is to find new hobbies. Trying new things can be a good way to keep yourself entertained and productive while having fun. Being a college student can get boring and whenever you have free time, start a new hobby! Do something that you’ve always wanted to do but never had the chance to.
Hopefully, these little resolutions can help some students be more motivated and excited about the upcoming year. Be sure to add them to your bucket list to make sure you’re always working on prioritizing these things!