Many student athletes use Bellevue College as a stepping-stone in their collegiate careers. With high level sports programs offered at Bellevue College it gives student athletes the perfect opportunity to excel in the sport they’re talented in.Bellevue College also provides their athletes with a high level of academics.
Many student athletes choose playing at a community college when they are not able to play at a four year university, or they want to use the community college to prepare them for a four year school.
The route of playing at a two year school before going to a four year university has shown to be very benificial. It gives student athletes the ability to ease into the college scene.
Once a student athlete’s two year stint is over at Bellevue College they will look at the prospect of transferring to a four year school to continue playing the sport they truly love.
Athletes that are transferring from Bellevue College will look at schools that will best meet their needs on and off the field. Academics should be the top priority for the transferring athlete. Getting a degree will carry one further once they finish playing, than someone who does not finish a degree.
When athletes are looking to transfer to a university, their grades will weigh heavily on them getting excepted to that particular school. So it is so very important for athletes wishing to transfer to make sure they maintain a high GPA to ensure they will be able to continue playing at the school where they are inspiring to continue their collegiate career
It is a balance between acedemics, atheletics, and social life that makes a student athelets life extemely busy and at times hectic. That is why it is great to see so many students being able to manage their work load appropriatly to be succesful in all three of thes aspects as they experince college.
Dedication and hard work are two essentials needed to succeed in any sport to maintain a high level and stay in top notch shape. Training, practice, and conditioning is a year round thing for many athletes trying to make it to the next level.
The effort and time it takes to be a student athlete is immense, but if the passion is there the sky is the limit for athletes that put in the work and are dedicated to being the best athlete they can be.
If you are an athlete that is looking to transfer to a university to further your playing career while in college and are blessed with the kind of talent it takes to play at a professional level best of luck to you. And remember it takes hard work, passion, and dedication to get you where you want to be in any sport.