The Indy Car world was struck with tragedy on Sunday October 16, when star diver Dan Wheldon was killed in a 15 car pile-up on Las Vegas’ motor speedway. The brutal accident left fans and family shaken as they saw the stunning crash unfold on the track.
Wheldon was ruled to be killed by blunt trauma to the head. This has many questioning the safety of open wheel racing as well as open cockpit. Several aspects of the sport will be brought into question over the next several weeks to ensure the safety of the drivers.
Wheldon was the personality of the sport. His charismatic personality and enthusiasm was a sight to see. His personality was likable and he was the guy to have the most fun with the sport. Wheldon, who won the Indianapolis 500 twice, was unsigned to a long term deal with a team going into Sunday’s race. He signed a deal for $2 million dollars if he were to win, with another $2 million going to a charity. The race was cut short after the horrific crash that claimed Wheldon’s life. His legacy will live on in the sport of Indy car racing.
Wheldon left behind his wife and two young boys. Not even 24 hours before the race started on Sunday, Wheldon and his wife got tattoos in Vegas to show their love for one another. The tattoo will now remind Wheldon’s wife everyday of the man she truly loved and the legacy he will leave behind. His family came first as he always tried to make his boys and wife his top priority. It is hard to see a man who cherished what he did and did not take a minute of it for granted pass away like this. One can argue, however, that he passed doing something he was passionate about.