Tennis has always been one of our well ranked sports team in Bellevue College. They have been undefeated for six years with Coach Jason Chapman, yet no one has recognized the team’s amazing seasons.
Maybe the reason for their unrecogntion is the fact that it is not as interesting as the team sports, since each match is a singles or doubles matches.Or just the fact that tennis use to be a rich mans’ sport.
For whatever reason, tennis hasn’t been a popular sport and people should now open their eyes and see the amazing players Bellevue College has for Spring Tennis.
BC Women’s Tennis Team will be going for their seventh straight NWAACC Championship this Spring. Coach Jason Chapman has another strong team that will begin practice February 1st.
Our own tennis team has been doing amazing, yet no one comes and cheer them on. If you were on the team wouldn’t you be a little disappointed?
I talked to their Head Coach, Jason Chapman to ask how he creates such an amazing team and how he keeps them motivated. “We have to go out and find four year schools to play us every year since the league’s competition is sometimes not strong enough. We play teams like Seattle University, University of Puget Sound, Pacific Lutheran Unversity, Lewis and Clark St, College of Idaho and Whitworth. Reason for this is to prepare my team for the end of the season NWAACC tournament in May,” said Jason Chapman.
As we all know, everyone is always into the main sports such as football, basketball, soccer, and baseball. Don’t you ever wonder why?
They are all team sports, one big team playing together against another big team. But you could do that for tennis, it’s just a little different!
Students and staff, this year might just be the greatest team for the Bulldogs!
Not only should you come out and cheer for our BC Women’s Tennis Team, but you should also try watching the Professional tennis players play and get a feel to how amazing this sport is.
There’s amazing players such as Roger Federer who has not only one all four world championships, but is still top in the world.
I hope that this new knowledge of tennis will bring more people to tennis and bring more people to the courts.
We should become a little more supportive, stop by a home match, and cheer on this amazing team.
“Unfortunately, Tennis is not recognized as a revenue generating sport so it gets not as much coverage as it deserves. I would love to see more BC Students come out and watch us play to see how strong we actually are every year, they might be impressed!” said Jason Chapman.