As the end of my second year is nearing, I have undergone a voyage of self discovery.
What do I want to do with my life?
Where will I go after BC?
Am I ready to move on to a university?
Can I afford to go to my dream school?
It feels like high school all over again.
Deadlines for applications are approaching.
You start to feel the pressure of the weight of your classes and completing FAFSA forms.
I have nightmares where I’m filling out the Common App and all my information gets deleted.
I have an idea of what I want to study. I think that I am “MAJOR READY”, but nothing is absolute.
Instead of looking up places to shake my groove thang like some daycare posing as a nightclub i.e. Fusion, I spend my weekends looking for ways to pay for my higher education.
Transferring to schools takes a great deal of sacrifice.
Sacrificing time: for applications, interviews, and internships.
Sacrificing money: for applications (even if you don’t get it, which I think is complete malarky), tuition, and items for your new dorm or apartment.
Sacrificing love: Long distance relationships can work, but they need solidity on both sides.
A necessity for anyone who doesn’t think their FAFSA will cover their Diddy Dirty Money lifestyle. We are always looking for free money. WELL, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. Scholarships provide the money we broke college students need. How can I support my shoe fetish if I can’t even afford lettuce?
The scholarship BREAK DOWN
*FREE MONEY: You don’t have to pay back any of the money you receive, but this money only goes towards your tuition and fees, so don’t even think about getting that Hermes scarf, missy.
*EASY TO FIND: There are tons of websites that act as search engines for scholarship. Websites like scholarships.com and collegeboard.com saved me from adding hours of research to my busy schedule.
ARE CATEGORIZED: You can find the perfect scholarship for you based on your interests, career goals, and academics.
NOT ONLY FOR THE SMARTY ARTS: Just because you don’t excel in a certain category doesn’t mean that you can’t get funding. They have scholarships that require you to submit personal videos or even just like the donor organization on Facebook.
I’ve done the application, I’m doing the scholarships, and now all I can do is WAIT…
It’s harder than when I couldn’t eat before taking the SAT.
I’ve put $60 each for applications, $40 for other college related expenses such as sending transcripts and test scores. If I don’t get into a university, I will be PISSED. That money could have went to something better like slingback pumps.
Moving on to a university is the natural progression after a community college. I can’t see myself stumbling into the black hole of BC and forever being a bulldog.
Falling into the relaxed life.
Falling into the small school mentality: smaller classes, shorter classes, and less people.
Falling into the LALA land I’ve been at for two years.
It is time to WAKE UP.
University, here I come. Allow me into your gates and I won’t disappoint.
Well, let’s not make any promises yet.
Good luck on your college search, Jibbers.