Question: “This school year was crazy and different in many ways. Looking back on it, how do you feel?”
Xander Thorne
“I feel drained and have lost motivation to do much of anything important, and for my schooling I feel cheated by Two Rivers high school and the Snoqualmie school district as a whole. I’m in the CEO program so I have felt a big difference, however the assistance at Bellevue College itself feels lacking too. Personally, I haven’t felt like Bellevue College has done much to help with the past year. And my partner Thia ho is in running start can also attest to its difficultly this past school year, and the lack of support.”
Ezgi Ayaz

“Before [COVID], I had confidence with my routine. I was going to school and had people around me making me happy. Every day was very exciting because I knew like, okay, this event is going to be happening at the school, I’m going to meet with these people, I’m going to do this and that… and now I only have the ‘studying’ part of college. Even though we have a lot of virtual events, it’s not the same. You know, like actually talking to people and making eye contact. I really miss that. Also, it can sometimes be hard to motivate yourself to study. Because all day, you’re in your room, trying to learn for hours, not going outside or talking to anyone… it’s all lecture, lecture, lecture. But let me say something positive too. I’m very proud of myself for overcoming a lot of difficulties. I learned how to teach myself, got better at using the computer… it makes me very confident and proud of myself that I was able to succeeded at something.”
Himanshi Goswami

“I’ve been here two months, and I’ve loved my time here, honestly. I’ve learned a lot of new stuff, I’ve made great friends. I’ve associated with a lot of people, I have made new friends, and I participated in a lot of stuff. I mean, quite a lot of stuff. I’ve had a really good time. I haven’t faced a lot of issues, mentally I have not faced a lot of issue. I feel pretty strong. And I think that Bellevue College has a lot in store for me, so it’s going to be a pretty good time. I’m hoping so.”