Washington Winter Wonderland: Celebrating the end of the year with a bang

How Bulldogs enjoy winter (SOURCE:Cole Estes/The Jibsheet)
How Bulldogs enjoy winter (SOURCE:Cole Estes/The Jibsheet)

(Courtesy of Jeanny Rhee)

Deadlines are done, finals have come and gone, and the quarter is almost finished. We’re counting down the days ‘til we have the school year’s longest break.

For those of us who don’t have the luxury of escaping to the warmer climates, can always easily enjoy the Washington weather, right here in the Bellevue/Seattle area.

I’ve always preferred the colder weathers anyway – besides, the best part of our lovely state is that you get to experience ALL of the seasons year round (if you disregard endless rainfalls).

Here are the top three ways for you to get busy and have fun with friends, family, or yourself for some quality time:

1) Bellevue Ice Skating: It’s a watered down replica of New York’s Rockefeller ice rink, but still, what other city has a gigantic outdoor ice skating rink just for the holidays. It’s fun, cute, and romantic.

Bellevue Downtown Park, $7- $10, skate rentals, all ages welcome.

2) For all the passionate artists: Visit Seattle Art Museum (SAM) to see Picasso’s masterpieces from Paris’s National Museum. It only lasts until Jan. 17, so schedule a date, and remember to wear your striped shirt, chic scarf, and French béret.

$20 – $23, Tue-Sun, times vary.

3) Winterfest 2010: it’s FREE, entertaining, and ups your mood for the holiday spirit. Something for everyone in this month-long festival from ice sculpting, comedy/jazz performance, to ice skating. Located in Seattle Center, 10 am daily.

Winter Escapades: Less common ways to spend the holidays

(Courtesy of Jeanny Rhee)

*Get a piercing:

“Hell, you’re only young once,” and we all need to embrace that mantra while we can.

Spontaneity  = good.

Au Canada!

* Grab your passport, a friend or two, a high-mileage car, and lots of outfits for different scenes. Dance your frosty night away not forgetting to take advantage of the perfectly legal drinking age. It’s not peer pressure when it’s not illegal.

The Nutcracker


The Theatre at Meydenbauer Center in Downtown Bellevue.

This is a tradition that everyone, no matter the age, ought to experience yearly. Dressing up and dragging your date doesn’t sound so bad either.

Time: Starts Dec. 10th thru Dec. 23rd. Tickets start at $25, and enjoy a 20% discount for Dinner and a Show. Visit www.Interballettheatre.org for more info.

Don’t let the winter blues ruin your break. You deserve it and you can always treat yourself and loved ones by spending time to attend the annual festive events! Feliz Navidad!