An invitation for volunteers and nominations for the Service and Activities (S&A) Committee was sent out on Jan. 26. The new committee members will be finalized on Feb. 8. The S&A Committee is in charge of distributing funds to school programs. Their mission is to “review requests and make a budget recommendation to the college and the Bellevue College Board of Trustees for annual approval.”
The committee is comprised of seven voting members: the ASG President and Treasurer, two students at large, one classified staff member, one exempt staff member, and one faculty member. The committee is advised by the Executive Director of Finance and the Director of Student Engagement. Together they decide where funds should be allocated, adhering to the Killian Guidelines. The Killian Guidelines are widely implemented governing rules for how S&A funds should be properly used.
The Associated Student Government (ASG) has recently changed who can apply for S&A funding. Any BC student organization, office, or staff who are requesting funds for co-curricular (an academic activity that might compliment credit course offerings with participation available to all students) or extra-curricular (an activity in which enrollment in a course is not required which is available to all students) activities, are permitted, albeit adhering to a stricter interpretation of the Killian Guidelines. Prior to this change, the guidelines were interpreted a little more loosely, with fund applications open to groups that were simply designated “student programs.” So, with this change, in order to be eligible for S&A funds, organizations and activities must be considered co-curricular and extra-curricular in nature, and not, according to the guidelines, “considered part of the fundamental educational objective of and basic services provided by the college.”