Guide: How to Charter a Student Organization at BC

Eliot G // The Watchdog.

Student organizations are a significant part of the community at Bellevue College. Many students are interested in joining student organizations and clubs because of their positive impact on their college journey, especially because it not only connects them with other students who share mutual interests, but also because members have the opportunity to strengthen skills such as leadership and mentorship while getting experience as officers of these organizations.

There are currently 39 active student organizations at Bellevue College, all led by BC students. These clubs and associations are constantly looking for members and officers who can support them and bring events and activities to life to drive awareness, diversity, inclusion, and most importantly, fun.

You too can join one of these existing organizations, charter a new one, or recharter a non-active club. Organizations are required to recharter every year. For a student organization to be recognized, a chartering process is required. The Watchdog created a guide for you to follow on how to charter a student organization or a club:

  1. Define the organization’s purpose: Think about activities that this new organization would do throughout the year. Choose a tentative name, vision, goals and benefits to the student community at BC.
  2. Gather at least five BC students to serve as leading members: One of the main requirements for the chartering process is to have at least five members. Two of these members should have a specific role within the organization; one president and one treasurer are needed at the time of chartering. Other roles such as vice-president, secretary and communication officer can be assigned as the club develops. Assigning leadership roles is not mandatory, but it is recommended to have a work balance among the members.
  3. Identify an advisor: The club’s advisor can be a BC faculty or staff member. The advisor will provide support and serve as a guiding hand for club members. If you don’t find one, email Amanda Arboleda and the Office of Student Engagement will help you find one. 
  4. Fill out the Charter a New Organization form: Once you have a description and purpose for your organization, the five leading members and an advisor, the next step is to fill out the chartering form to officially create the organization.
  5. Allow time for the application to process: Once submitted, the application will be reviewed by the selected advisor and will then be forwarded to the Office of Student Engagement. The processing time may vary according to Student Engagement’s availability. Once the organization is active, it will go through the guidance and training phase provided by the Office of Student Engagement in order to start functioning. Once the training is finished, the organization can start operating.

If you have any questions about the chartering process, contact Amanda Arboleda or visit the Student Affinity Resources page to connect with fellow students that identify with your interests.