BC Installing Rainbow Crosswalk in Dedication to LGBTQ+ Community

BC's Rainbow Crosswalk
Sav Bell // The Watchdog.

A rainbow crosswalk is used to represent the LGBTQ+ community. They help recognize the need to improve the diversity and inclusion of people from the LGBTQ+ community. In honor of this, Bellevue College is holding a dedication event. 

The installation will begin on May 17, around the S-Building on the Bellevue College Campus. It is being built to celebrate the different ways the LGBTQ+ community has affected campus, including the LGBTQ+ Task Force and Resource Center. It will be made with the help of the LGBTQ+ Task Force, Governor Locke, the President’s Cabinet, and donors from the community. The goal is for there to be around three rainbow crosswalks.

It will be held on May 17, from 10:20 to 10:50 a.m. near the crosswalk near the S-Building. The event is inclusive to everyone and is intended to recognize the LGBTQ+ community, so make sure to pay a visit. During the event, there will be a ribbon-cutting and some speeches from the BC community. Most importantly, the event will include a celebration of the unification of multiple communities. This crosswalk will be the first rainbow crosswalk on the Eastside of Washington, and it will be held on International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia. Make sure to come and enjoy a memorable event!