One might think that technology makes people lazy, but in actuality, there are many apps that can help promote health, fitness and well-being. When people download fitness apps, some might be worried that they’ll have to pay for certain features. A lot of the time, this is the case. But spending money on a worthy fitness app can drastically benefit your health and life.
My favorite app that I’ve used is Fitbit. To use the app, you must own the Fitbit bracelet, which can come in many sizes, colors and with different features. The Fitbit is wireless, which means it uses Bluetooth to connect to one’s cellular device. As you wear it throughout the day, it counts your steps, logs how many hours you’ve slept and calculates your heart rate.
I have personally found that my Fitbit has helped me achieve better fitness. On the app, you can set goals, such as reaching a certain step count, burning a specified number of calories and much more. Sometimes, if I haven’t completed my step count goal by the end of the day, I will go on a quick jog to make sure I finish my goal.
Aside from fitness, well-being apps are also beneficial for personal health. Daylio is an app where users can log their activities throughout the day. The colorful, easy-to-use home screen is where getting healthy begins. First, you would choose the mood you are feeling that day, ranging from “awful” being the worst, and “rad” being the best. After you select a mood, you can customize your activity tags with colors and emojis. You can also write a few paragraphs about how you feel in the text box.
Over each month and year, you can see a trend and pattern of moods over a course of time. It can also detect patterns where certain activities lead to certain moods. For example, you might feel happiest doing your most used activities. You can also set goals in the app, such as to do an activity a certain amount of times before the month ends. You can customize your activity tags, so you can log any activity you want to, such as riding a bike.
A benefit to this app, unlike Fitbit, is that you can go back and log your previous moods, even after a day has passed. With Fitbit, after 24 hours have passed, you cannot change your stats from the previous day. Daylio offers flexibility in logging, which has helped me keep steady track of my moods.
If you meet a certain requirement while using the app, Daylio will give you a new award in your virtual trophy case. These award criteria can range from logging an impressive amount in the app, to having a large number of activities.
When used together, Fitbit and Daylio can be absolutely worth it to improve one’s health and wellbeing. Fitbit promotes fitness and physical activity, while Daylio gives the user a mental benefit from participating in tasks that they can easily log. These two apps have been a bright spot in my life, and I readily encourage other people to use them for years to come.